Written by Jeffrey Arce
At Red Rocks Amphitheater in Colorado the sun was beginning to set, as the thousands of cheering fans that were packed inside began chanting a name, "Terror-@-Tak! Terror-@-Tak! Terror-@-Tak!" they all cried out in one echoing voice.
When the lights dimmed to darkness on the stage, the crowed cheered louder with eager excitement. A young beautiful woman stood near the entrance speaking into a microphone before a camera man, with the label, "Channel 23 News" on the side of the camera. The reporter spoke loudly as to talk over the sounds of the intense crowd inside the theater, and said, "They are known world wide as the biggest controversial rock band in the States, and their dedicated fans have been targeted by the F.B.I, whom have now classified them all as members of a dangerous cult, known as The Children of Tak. Their latest album release, American Puppet, is their twelfth studio album, and it just hit number one on the Billboard Charts, as best independent album of the year. The band is non other than the notorious Terror-@-Tak, who are known for their violent and disturbing lyrics that challenge all systems of power. The band virtually preaches and encourages people of all ages to commit acts of brutal murder, mortal sin, and total anarchy."
A base line then dropped causing the entire theater to tremble. Then came a soft intense rhythm of symbols and hats. The light instrumentals were soon followed by a dark snare, and the sound of mixing records. The base grew louder, as did the crowds cheers. Thick grey mist suddenly began to pour out from the fogger machines on the stage, and red and blue spot lights circled across the wall of clouds before the crowd.
A deep sinister voice then echoed from the speakers and said, "COLORADO!!"
The crowd answered with screams, and chants. "TERROR-@-TAK! TERROR-@-TAK! TERROR..."
Suddenly red lights lit up the stage, and an entire band stood at the center of it. Two men began playing deep rifts from their electric guitars, as the man at front and center stood there silent with a hood over his head. His thin but muscular arms rested by his sides bare of sleeves, and covered from shoulder to wrists with tattoos. In his left hand, he was gripping a cordless microphone. He war red camouflage pants, and black combat boots. The hooded black vest hung open from his shoulders, allowing some of the light to show off his carved midsection, which was also covered in tattoos. The young Caucasian man was only five feet and eight inches tall, but still he had the aura of a god standing there in the ominous red light.
The crowd noted his presence with an even louder cheer.
The mysterious man kept his head concealed under the good as he raised the mic to his lips and sang, "I am the Government,
I am God!
I will give you punishment
If you step out of line!
I am the Government,
I am God!
Forget about countries,
Cause I rule mankind!
Suddenly the entire band began playing their instruments, along with the energetic hip hop baseline in the background, as the artist threw back his hood to reveal his bold head. His face was covered in war paint, and he had white colored eye contacts in, as he began pacing back and forth on stage and sung, "We are a system of murder!
A system that kiiiiills!
A system you never heard of,
But a system that wiiiill,
Back you into a corner,
And take what We feeeeel,
Keeps you out of order!
Cause we are a system
Preaching freedom,
A system that isn't reeeeal!"
The crowd sang along and began dancing to his words. The sounds of the crowd and the music echoed across the night sky, and could be heard for miles.
When the concert ended the entire band sat back stage drinking shots and smoking cigars along with hundreds of others in celebration. The lead singer of the band sat in a quiet section of the room with the news reporter that was interviewing him. He was still wearing all of his show attire, including his haunting white contacts as the woman asked, "Now Tak, we understand that your real name is Terry Gates. Does your alias have any meaning to you?"
Tak laughed and replied, "Does my name have any meaning? Of course it does; it means everything. I'm a gates, everybody in this world knows very well what my family fights for."
"and what is that exactly, mr. Gates?" she asked before she threw the microphone back into his face.
"We fight against evil. But sometimes you have to fight fire with fire." he said, staring at her with those intense white eyes. "T.A.K; it stands for everything that the evil ones will do to cause a pending apocalypse, but it also stands for everyone that the citizens will have to do to survive it. Take And Kill."
"How can you claim to fight for good, when you support such things as anarchy, and murder?" the reporter questioned.
"The same way the military blasts all over television that they fight for good, but then murder entire villages of innocent people when no one's looking." he fired back.
One of Tak's body guards suddenly interrupted the interview and whispered something in his ear. A look of concern could be seen upon Tak's face as he slowly turned to look back at the woman and said, "You'll have to excuse me. I have a very urgent call that I must take.
He then hurried off with the big man toward another room. The man handed him the phone and Tak immediately threw it up to his ear and said, "Uncle Tom?!"
The man on the phone then replied in an urgent tone, "Terry, where are you?"
"What do you mean where am I! I'm in Colorado, I'm on your with my band. Have you not been watching the news?" he replied.
"No offense Terry, but your taste in music is a bit beyond me."
Tak chuckled and said, "It is for most people your age."
"Do you know where your mother is."
"Well, I last heard she was protesting in DC, but I haven't heard from her since she was detained by the authorities." he answered.
"And your brother?"
Tak paused a moment, thinking about his brother and how they were always inseparable as kids, now they were like sworn enemies. "I don't talk to that piece of shit anymore."
"Well I need to get a hold of him. There is something he needs to see... Something you all need to see." his uncle said on the phone.
"What?" Tak said with curiosity and concern in his eyes.
His uncle was a well fit man in his early fifties. He stood in the middle of a forrest somewhere equipped with all of his Special Forces gear, and accompanied by a team of six other officers who were carefully searching the perimeter, with advanced tools, and search dogs. He turned to look inside a case that was laying open inside an officials armored ATV four wheeler. Inside the case were evidence bags filled with dry leaves and twigs that appeared to have blood all over them. But the bag he was focusing on was the one that contained Gregory's lost note book that he was writing in before he and his team were chased out of the woods.
Uncle Tommy held his satellite phone close to his ear as he said with grief in his tone, "We found something."
Location:Rapture, revelations, Terror
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