So, I just realized how much I actually loathe the Suicide Girls. First off, the name is just utterly ridiculous. What? So if a girl gets tattoos that means she is automatically an Emo chick, or she is anti-life. Tattoos are life, fore they are the raw form of free expression that nobody can take away from you. They are art that screams individuality and beauty. But the name Suicide Girls just suggests to me that these girls hate themselves. I know that is not true, but it feels like its just another way to downplay the image of a woman with tattoos, and degrade the purpose of tattoos by having girls with random (and in most cases) meaningless art on their bodies while they prance around in the nude. And honestly, I do mean prance, cause in half these pictures, they aren't even posing. I mean look at this one,

She isn't even doing anything! This is not art! This is just a snapshot of a girl standing up to make another attempt at a sexy pose, but still they slap a logo on it and call it a finished product. And people will buy it, not because of her beauty, or because of her art, it is just because she is naked. It's practically smut.
Now please, do not get me wrong. I am very much a fan of tattoos on women, and of the erotic arts. But it just seems like they are targeting young minds who don't know any better, by offering them a false chance at modeling, just to get them out of their clothes and pervert both them and the beautiful expressions on their skin. This is just my opinion, and I wanted to express how I feel about this company in further detail. You can be beautiful with or without your tattoos, and with or without your clothes, but have some taste, and have some respect for the works that you have chosen to put on your body till death. Be proud to be you, no matter what I think, or anybody else for that matter; I just beg the would-be models to just take a moment to think about what they are getting themselves into before they do it. Once again, this is just my opinion.