I started writing my FEUD series way back when I was 12 years old. Granted, the story has changed significantly since then, but the dream always remained the same; I have always wanted to transform the series into a comic book. For years I contemplated it over and over in my head, always running into the same conclusion, that it would just be too much work for one person. But as I get older and continue sitting here thinking about it I realize, the only thing that is keeping me from actually doing it is my own lazy ass. So the time has come to turn off the T.V, to shut my mouth, and to get to fucking work. I have nothing to loose, and only everything to gain, so I'm going to give it a shot and see how people like it. If successful, I will turn the entire series into a comic book, and show the world my epic vision. Show me some love and support!
Let the battle begin.
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