Jeffrey A. Arce
Lets get a few things straight right now!
1. I do believe in God, and the good in man.
2. I do not hate religion, in fact it is the total opposite; cause I am upsest with it.
3. I do not believe in the Devil. The only demons I know of only exist in man.
2 hours ago · Friends Only · Comment ·LikeUnlikeLee Corleone likes this.
Moriah Sebbah well hello!
2 hours ago · LikeUnlikeJeffrey A. Arce hello
2 hours ago · LikeUnlikeMoriah Sebbah A question though, from a non believer... how can you believe in a god and not devil? there should be a counterpoint, for the equilibrium?
2 hours ago · LikeUnlikeJeffrey A. Arce I refuse to believe something simply based on fear. Hell is insurance for Christians. They use it as a way to manipulating their followers further. Telling them that If you do not believe what we believe you will go to this place. I believe... in the goodness in man, and our only true mother; the earth. I do believe evil exists, but it comes from the ego and greed of man, who want nothing more than the power to control all others. I also do not believe in control, just the myth of control. People scare others to force them to believe that they have control over them, but in the end, that control is only temperary.
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2 hours ago · LikeUnlikeJeffrey A. Arce Just because you believe in a God, or Gods, it doesnt mean you have to believe in a Devil, that is reserved for those who choose to be damned.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlikeMoriah Sebbah I agree with you, there is a systematic use of fear to control people.. but that still doesn't answer my (rhetorical) question though ;) shouldn't there be a devil if there's a god? everything comes in pair it seems, night and day, hot and cold , blah blah... see what i mean?
about an hour ago · LikeUnlikeJeffrey A. Arce The evil is in man, as is the good. I dont believe that our God really cares on the matter of who is right and who is wrong. Our God only cares about one thing; balance in life. It gives life, and it takes life away. That is its job, and we are all apart of it. In essence, I believe that there is only one God, and we make up that god. We are her limbs, we are her good and evil, we are just a piece of the complex puzzle that make up her whole; our earth, our solar system, our galaxy.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 1 person
Loading...Jeffrey A. Arce Like gears in a clock.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlikeJeffrey A. Arce Besides, as far as we understand it, only humans judge things as a matter of good and evil. There is no proof that any other animal on earth can make that distinction, other than the creatures that our in fact influenced by humans, such as cats and dogs.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlikeMegan ಌಌ Bonetti well put
about an hour ago · LikeUnlikeMoriah Sebbah plus the notions of good and evil are empirical, but in the real world, it's not so severed... both are mingled most of the time
about an hour ago · LikeUnlikeJeffrey A. Arce Even with animals obeying their masters by doing as they are commanded and protecting them, they only do it because of fear. They fear that if they do not obey them, they will not be fed. If you really think about it you can reduce that animals and even humans do as an act of basic survival. Can a dog go out into the wild to catch it's own food, yes; but at the same time can't a human go out into the wild to survive, of course they can, but when they have another option; why would they? Good and evil can be reduced to right and wrong, and yet again, right and wrong can be reduced to a decision of life or death.
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about an hour ago · LikeUnlikeMoriah Sebbah interesting simile