This is what I do.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Climbing Fate

I have troubles in my life just like everyone else, and sometimes it is a struggle for me to remind myself that things aren't so bad. It gets hard when you constantly have to tell yourself that life could be worse, and yes, I to get very frustrated when things don't go my way; lol! Believe me, I tend to get pissed a lot. But no matter how bad things may get, I always overcome the challenges, and remember how wonderful life really is. As if a great and powerful force in the sky grabs my hand and pulls my ranting, angry ass toward such amazing sites as these...,

Quartz Mountain in Mangum Oklahoma. God works in mysterious ways in my life, as well as everyone else's. Every time things seem to be at their worst I am shown the majestic beauty hidden beyond all the hate, anger, and fear. Life is balance, and challenges are a way of that life, but there are always rewards awaiting us all; we just have to learn to be patient, and positive. The world does not want to destroy us, fore she loves us more than any living being could ever understand, but she does understand the importance of tough love. Your rewards will not come easy. There will be challenges, there will be pain, but like Dante and The Inferno, your battle through these things will be rewarded with discovery, knowledge, and love. Walk, run, climb, fight, and leap; and never stop until you find what you are looking for... Never stop until you find your heaven in the real world.

Even if you stand alone, stand proud.

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