The half intoxicated but wonderfully entertaining old woman requested that I draw her the way her husband used to introduce her to new friends as. I asked what that was, and she replied, "He used to tell them that I had a melon head, monkey paws, frog legs, and fingers for toes." then she laughed drunkenly.
Thinking she was way too drunk to know what she was asking me to do, I explained that I would have to draw a theme drawing if she wanted that and it would be expensive. "how expensive?" she then asked. I replied, "$25.00"
"sure, I don't care," she said with determination. "I just want to see what the hell he saw."
In my mind, I said, "Fuck!" but I just smiled and got to work on the sketch.
As I continued drawing what would soon become the funniest theme drawing I have ever done, she explained to me how much she loved her husband, and about his untimely death. She started to get a little teary eyed talking about him, but then she immediately started joking around again to ease the emotional tension.
The woman then noticed my partner Jared Layser and told me that she thought he looked like Owen Wilson. Then she turned to him and asked, "how much do I have to pay to get a couple hours alone with you?"
Jared started cracking up laughing like a little school girl, (as he always does) and I tried to hide my laughter behind my easel. She caught me laughing and said to me, "I'm serious, you should be pimping this guy out! You'd probably make millions."
No more hiding it. I lost it!
Jared was like, "you are so kind. I'm keeping you around."
Probably not the best response to this woman, cause she then turned to Jared and asked, "how much?"
Jared laughed again and jokingly replied, "How much are you willing to pay?"
"For you? Whatever you want, Baby!" she said back.
Awkward laugh time!
I finished the drawing, showed it to her, she loved it, gave me a ten dollar tip, and took Jared's card. When they left, I stood next to Jared and said, "Well... Looks like you work for me now. Don't ya, Bitch!"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Caricatures, drunk people
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