This is what I do.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Visit your Mother

At what point in time did we allow our world to become so dark and lonely. When did humans decide that the time has come to run and hide from our peers rather than to stand and defend ourselves. Sitting behind a computer typing out status updates of revolt isn't the same as standing up to The Man and telling him ourselves that we will not take this shit anymore! You may think me no better when I am writing this on a blog with only
7 followers whom I am sure aren't really following me at all, but I have gone out and spoke my opinion to the world; the only problem was that when I took a step outside, there wasn't anyone there to preach to. The streets were deserted, the cities empty. With an entire race glued to their portable devices serving them full plates of false dreams and artificial social networkings, the only creatures outside whom haven't yet lost their humanity are the animals. The people you see walking around and sitting at coffee shops these days aren't really people at all; they're drones, mindless puppets hanging by strings attached to the fingers of commercialism and dancing to entertain the only ones who truly understand what is happening to the world because they are the ones making it happen; the government. People listen, for roughly three years of my life I was single, and I never thought I could ever be that lonely, but now even after being with my wife for nearly six years, I feel more lonelier than I have ever felt before; not because we don't get along, we have a great relationship. The reason why I feel so empty is because of this, I lost faith in everything and the reason why is because of sites like facebook and myspace. I have wasted so much time on these things, and I know if I have than so have others. Look around you, people are empty, we lost that ability to go out and meet others because we have avoided real human conversation for so long, that we no longer know how to act when one approaches us. We have become strangers to our world, and so the world is falling from our grasp. We need to turn the computers off and return to the world. I will be doing my part this month. My good friend and I are going to take four days of our lives to go out and revisit our dying mother. We are going on the Appalachian Trail in search for hope, and that hope is to find others who are doing the same thing. Love your Mother Earth, and go outside to visit her; she misses you.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Mother, Earth, Facebook, The root of evil

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