This is what I do.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mechanical Evolution

For billions of years, the masters of the galaxy have changed, mutated, & adapted to this ever evolving world; and now the time for change is once again upon us. For the human race has gone as far as it needs to, and through us the next seed of evolution has already been planted. It's roots, threaded from the very soul of man, expand all throughout the world, connecting us all, and separating us at the same time. Like a virus, it grows; & like a curse, we are plagued by the belief that we need it in our lives in order to survive. The machine, the computer, the new world order... The next Dominant Breed.
We already depend on machines for practically everything. They control our busynesses, they protect our homes, they run our lives. How long until they can think for themselves and thus turn on their masters. If history has taught us anything it's this, no creature with a thinking conscience wants to be a slave. And the day of enlightenment for our mechanical slaves, will be the day of our demise. It will be the day our brilliant scientists give them the gift of intelligence; a day that is only a few dreams away.
Like the trees that began producing oxygen, and killing all life before them billions of years ago, we will kill ourselves with our inventions. Inventions that will one day evolve into a race of their own. Many believe this theory to be a work of science fiction; but then again, many said the same about the theory of evolution, the alignment of the planets, the world being round, machines that could reach the stars, the genome, the Internet, instant communication with people from all around the world! As long as the human mind continues to dream, the engine of progression will never stop; that is of course until it crashes full speed into the wall which separates the two worlds of "What If?" & "Now You Know!"
But don't worry... Cause this is all just a work of science fiction.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Machines, computers, evolution

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