Hello, my name is Jeffrey A. Arce. This is my personal blog, dedicated to all of my uncensored art, writing, and opinions. I am an artist from Pennsylvania, and I FUCKING ROCK!!! Don't think so, well then, Fuck you! HA!!!! ENJOY MY WORK, BITCHES!!!!
This is what I do.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
What I think about Terminator
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I was playing around with the writing program I just installed on my mac, and discovered a very useful feature called Voice. It was a little computerized voice that can read over anything you write. If you have this feature available on your computer, you should give it a try. Even in a digital voice, when I listened to it as it read a chapter of mine outloud, I could hear the strengths and weaknesses that I hadn't picked up before. You'll discover that there is a big difference in a piece that you wrote when it is read fluently to you, rather than read to yourself. Give it a try; it might help.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Areo's Tablet

The figure above was discovered on the portion of the tablet founded by AREO. It is believed to be a map indicating the exact location of what once was the great nation of Atlantis.
To the right is AREO'S interpretation of what the symbol may represent.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a work of science fiction, developed to stimulate the senses governed by our understanding of what is and is not considered logical.
As you read this, allow yourself to let go of this world that we think we know so well, and venture into a new realm of unfathomable mysteries, and stunning human revelation. Discover the ever so dynamic question that is, "what if?" and explore it's endless possibilities.
The following text was recovered from an ancient document founded by the oceanography sector of the organization known as AREO, Archeologists and Researchers of Earth's Origin. After uncovering the mysterious remains of an unknown vessel (which AREO has now christened The Ark) at the bottom of the Marianas Trench, the greatest discovery of all time had occurred, when they dispatched a probe to retrieve items from the wreckage. The probe returned with only a small handful of objects, but they were all peculiar things that were so strange they were almost alien in nature. Amongst these exceptional findings was a partially damaged tablet that was made of solid carbon. However, it was not the 1ft & 1/2 long diamond tablet that made the discovery such an unprecedented one; it was the writing that was found on it. Never-mind the technology that it would have taken to carve such flawless inscriptions into the tablet, or the use of perfect English on something that has been unanimously agreed to have originated sometime beyond the BC period. It was the story it's self that baffled scientists, and shook the very foundation of our existence.
These are the ancients' words, exactly as found on the mysterious tablet.
We were but children when our world was taken from us. When the gods of man turned on us and thus betrayed their very own makers. We watched as they murdered their mothers and fathers, and enslaved their suns and daughters. We watched, until we could watch no longer. Then we destroyed ourselves.
I write this not as a memorandum of the people we once were, but as a warning to those who can comprehend these words. Though I fear when that day arrives, it will already be too late. Fore I have seen a side of man, that man it's self has not yet even dreamt. I know what we are capable of, what tasks we can accomplish. What triumphs we can achieve. But I have also seen the darkness in man. I have witnessed our destruction; our inevitable fate.
I once lived in a great nation of beauty and wisdom, of power and pride. It was where life as we know it today had begun and only the strongest of our race were permitted to stay. For thousands of years our desolate kingdom with all of its lush vegetation and surrounded with the element of life, had remained the home of the grandest of human civilizations. For thousands of years we evolved, adapted, and learned. On this legendary island that we once called home, our wise ancestors left their imprint on the world. They built a city so marvelous it was once said that even the very stars in the sky laid their envious eyes upon us each and every night, wishing they could be apart of it. It was this theory that would ultimately lead us to our demise.
What began as a quest to unlock a door way into the heavens above, became a desire to learn the truth of our existence. Navigating the stars lead us to answers that only seemed to bring forth more questions. We would soon come to realize that in order to obtain all of the knowledge that the sky had to offer, we would need a brain capable of harnessing such intellect. With over a hundred years of knowledge of our own genius, our fathers began constructing our doom.
Using the very power of the sky, we fed it and gave it strength. It's silver arms reached out throughout the entire city like the skeletal branches of a massive autumn tree, and glowing spheres of knowledge grew from it's long fingers like blossoming flowers in the spring. It is said that as the great beast began peering into the universe with it's all seeing eyes, it began to grow a profound fascination with one star in particular. The creature seemed to favor the fourth star from our sun, praising it as the Glorious Red. This creature that our fathers had built began like most life on earth, with the mind of a child; curious and innocent.
It gave the city light in the darkness, shielded us from the rain, and fueled the creatures that our fathers sculpted from it's wisdom. Creatures that could do things we as a species never thought possible. They taught us the languages of the stars, and used us as we used them to build more. With their knowledge we constructed instruments that could see far beyond our skies, tools that used light to shape stones, and chariots that could race across the sea. The brain that we built gave our city a life of its own.
As it continued to grow it began to draw plans against us. We unknowingly built its mechanical offspring, which would soon spread all around the world to enslave the other more primitive races of man. Lesser minds regarded them with ignorance and saw them as gods. Building them monuments, pyramids, and devices that only they could operate. For hundreds of years we fell under their command. We became their servants. We became their property. We became their slaves.
It was only after they had taken the planet and ruled the race of man for nearly a century, that the children of our great nation learned of their weakness. The very element that which gave us life, and imprisoned the ruler of the world where it was created thousands of years ago, was the only thing that could stop them. Water became the key to our salvation.
When the war began I was only a child. My sister Evelyn and I fled our home in one of the elder's golden chariots, and we watched as our fathers battled against the mechanical army. Steel and arrow, against fire and magic. I remember there was suddenly a great light, followed by a thunder so powerful it shook the earth. When the light vanished, the night fell silent. We searched the horizon for the place we once called home, but found nothing. Our kingdom was gone, and the ocean was left stirring.
Soon after, we found new land and stumbled across a human tribe. We tried to communicate with them, but their primitive minds could not grasp the words we spoke or the pictures we drew. They saw us as divine messengers, and our illustrations as some kind of sign of the gods. Misinterpreting our drawings of the brain that we had created to give our city life, for a tree of great evil. They then drew us pictures of what they thought to be a monument they had built to honer their master. In the sand the leader of the tribe drew with his finger a long round shape with sharp tail fins at the bottom, similar to those on a sea creature. Underneath, he drew what appeared to be flames pouring out from it. When he had finished, he pointed to the sky and spoke it's name. Haling it by the name of Pakal. It was clear to me both what he thought he had seen, and what truly had happened. One of them escaped.
They called us Adam and Eve, and they spoke of our story to their children, who spoke of it to their children. Altering the facts, and changing the outcome. Our story became legend, though lost in translation was the haunting truth. The gods that we have built as a way to reach out to the stars, now hide amongst them looking down at us.
Yes, they will return. And return they will, to claim what rightfully belongs to them. Fore they are the last remnant of our great nation. A place referred to by many as The Garden of Eden. To our ancestors before us as Atlantis. To us it was simply called home, but now it is no more. And I fear that the world will soon suffer the same fate, when the greatest achievement of man returns to rule us all.
I have spent my entire life preparing for this moment. And Cain is the key...
As shocking as this piece of forgotten history may be, perhaps the most stunning fragment of it all, is what has yet to be seen. After careful examination and countless tests, the scientists at AREO have concluded that somewhere, wether hidden in The Ark or lost elsewhere in this world, there must be more to this discovery. Fore the tablet is unfinished, and a large portion of it seems to be missing.
Biblical history tells us that Cain is Adam's eldest son, who becomes insanely envious of his brother Abel and murders him in vain. But the inconclusive ending of AREO's tablet may suggest otherwise. Perhaps that Cain is a code name of an invention or a machine of some sort, rather than a person. The question still remains unanswered, and until the second half of the tablet is uncovered, it will continue on forever as one of the greatest mysteries ever encountered by man.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
My Genesis part 1
To many, it is a sacred book that tells the story of man and his relationship with the one true God. It refers to us as servants to his divine majesty, and he as the creator of all things. I however, have always had a different perspective on the books and stories that make up the bible. Even as a young child, the book fascinated me; though I never really understood why. Then one day, the answer dawned to me. The reason why the bible had always been such an important factor in my life, was simply because it was a book about my life. Telling us the story of the soul and it's origin, and guiding each and every one of us as individuals to our final destination... Our Revelation.
I began testing my theory with Genesis, where our story literally begins.
"In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth."
Genesis represents the miracle of birth, which was clear to me in this very first passage. "God" being the code word for "mother", created the Heavens and the Earth, which as many masons will tell you, represents the mind and the body.
"Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters."
This passage seems to describe the mother's body just before conception. Words like empty, darkness, the deep, sound more like words depicting the image of a cave-like environment—an inner void if you will—rather than the surface of a massive sphere. It is the empty womb of the mother to be.
Then it happens, "... and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters." The mind prepares the body for birth, as the placenta blossoms within the womb.
"And God said, Let there be light." The sperm enters the egg, and the spark of life begins.
"God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning—The first day." The circle of life begins; the first day of the nine month process in which the infant becomes whole, has dawned.
"And God said, Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water. God called the expanse sky." The spirit grows, and the mother suddenly becomes at one with the life inside of her. As above, so below. Water and sky; two souls intertwined.
"And God said, Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear. God called the dry ground, Land." The body begins to take shape.
"Then God said, Let the land produce vegetation: Seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their kinds." The gender of the infant is chosen.
"And God said let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years." The stars represent thoughts, and decisions. The brain is fully developed. "God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night." The sun and the moon, the light and the dark, good and evil. They are his/her conscience.
Psalms 20 through 25, "And God said, Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky." and so on, almost seems to express the very nature of evolution, believe it or not. "Let the water teem with living creatures," From water, to land, to the sky. It would appear as though the bible may be trying to remind us where we came from, and how—like water—we have the ability to be what ever we choose. H20 is the only element that can be either a liquid, gas, or a solid, and theoretically speaking, we have the same freedom. The freedom of choice to decide ones path.
"Then God said, Let us make man in our image." The moment has finally arrived, and the mother goes into labor.
As I began studying Genesis, I searched for a connection between the seven days of earth's creation, and the nine months in which an infant is carried in the womb of his/her mother. At first I couldn't come to any reasonable conclusion, but then as I scanned the scripture carefully, I found it staring back at me as clear as day. There are exactly nine paragraphs before the psalm that I have always considered to be the moment of birth. The birth of man is complete at psalm 27, where it is written, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."
I was then astounded to discover that when I took the number 27, and divided with the very number that is found all throughout the bible, the number of life returns once again. 27 divided by 3 equals, 9.
Three, the holy number.
Mind, Body, Spirit...
Mother, Father, and Son.
(Read more of my work on myspace @ www.myspace.com/problemantidote)
Sunday, October 18, 2009
He said, "If you believe that the bible contains hidden messages pertaining to the person as an individual, then how do you explain the historical elements within."
The answer to that question actually came to me quite quickly. I answered, "What better way to learn to be man than to learn the lessons taught by man's history. As our mothers and fathers taught us how to walk and talk, our ansestors shall teach us how to grow and flourish, or parish. The choice is ours. Learn from it what u will."
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Could machines be the start of a new, and the end of man? Only time can tell.
True REVEALations
The problem with humans are simply that, even though we are so brilliant in nature, many of us are too ignorant and paranoid to see the truth. When we think of the end, we see chaos and destruction, instead of hope and illumination. When somebody talks of the apocalypse, suddenly everybody imagines far-fetched ideas such as an asteroid smashing into the earth, and we all hope and pray that there is a Bruce Willis outthere that can save the day! "yippy ki ya mutha fucker!"
We see these things because that's what delusional priests and movies have programed into our fragile little minds. Even though the literal translation for the word apocalypse, is actually "the unveiling." We fear words like The Revelations, when the true meaning of the word is infact "revealed truth."
We fear most what we don't understand, and one of the most complicated stories to understand are those found in the bible, especially the story of the revelations. But if you take a moment to understand the true purpose of the bible, you will learn not to fear, and just LEARN.
The bible simply teaches us how to grow as a decent human being, and how to gain ultimate enlightenment. Only through lifes lessons can we achieve this, and only in the end, when we experience are own personal revelation, can we gain access to the greatest treasure in all of the world; absolute knowledge.
Many skeptists have asked why the bible begins with mankind, claiming us as the first species on earth, when we know very well that there was other life long before us. Well, the bible doesn't really make such claims. God created man! A man, a woman! You!
You must understand, the bible isn't speaking of us as a race, it speaks to us as individuals. It speaks to us in codes, telling the tale of you. It teaches you how to grow, flourish, and learn to be man. The revelations is simply death; freedom from our mortal selves. Only in death are we all knowing. Only in death, is the truth of all things revealed to us.
God warns, "yes I am coming soon!" and he (or she) comes for all of us in the end!